Due date set

Looks like 10/10/11 may be Zoe and Apollo’s birthday. Nancy’s doctor wants us to go in to the hospital on Sunday, 10/9 for delivery on Monday, 10/10. That will be a few days over the 36th week. This is because Apollo’s placenta is giving out, and an ultrasound 2 days ago put him at 4 lb. 8 oz., while Zoe was at 5 lb. 3 oz. Looks like time is about up! In the meantime, Nancy has...

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Bags are packed

Nancy’s big as a house. OK, maybe a small house. We’re at week 34 and hoping to make it to 36. The hospital recommends the “partner” have a bag packed with various items including an “address book, phone list, and calling card.” Zoe and Apollo: even in 2011, that’s a pretty outdated list of things to bring. As you can see, food is much higher on the...

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